const { Role, Collection, TextChannel, VoiceChannel, GuildCreateChannelOptions, MessageEmbed, Message } = require('discord.js');
const winston = require('winston');
const { randomColor, sendMessageToMember, sendMsgToChannel } = require('../../discord-services');
const Console = require('../consoles/console');
const Room = require('../room');
const TicketManager = require('../tickets/ticket-manager');
const Activity = require('./activity');
const { StringPrompt, SpecialPrompt, ListPrompt } = require('advanced-discord.js-prompts');
* @typedef PollInfo
* @property {String} type
* @property {String} title
* @property {String} question
* @property {String} emojiName - must be unicode emoji!
* @property {Collection<String, String>} responses - <Emoji String, Description>
* A workshop is an activity with a TA system to help users with questions.
* The TA system has two options, regular or advanced. Regular option involves TAs reaching out via DMs to users while advanced option
* involves users joining a voice channel to receive help. The advanced option is only recommended with knowledgeable discord users.
* It also has polls the TAs can send to learn basic knowledge from the audience.
* @extends Activity
class Workshop extends Activity {
* @constructor
* @param {Activity.ActivityInfo}
* @param {Boolean} [isLowTechSolution=true]
* @param {Collection<String, Role>} [TARoles] - roles with TA permissions
constructor({activityName, guild, roleParticipants, botGuild}, isLowTechSolution = true, TARoles) {
super({activityName, guild, roleParticipants, botGuild});
* @type {Collection<String, Role>} - roles with TA permissions
this.TARoles = TARoles || new Collection();
* True if the assistance protocol is low tech.
* @type {Boolean}
this.isLowTechSolution = isLowTechSolution;
* The channel where hackers can ask questions.
* @type {TextChannel}
* The channels only available to TAs
* @type {Collection<String, TextChannel | VoiceChannel>} - <Channel Name, channel>
this.TAChannels = new Collection();
* TA Console where assistance calls are sent.
* @type {TextChannel}
* The message where we show the wait list live.
* @type {Message}
* wait list Collection
* @type {Collection<String, String>} - <User Id, Username>
this.waitlist = new Collection();
* The polls available.
* @type {Collection<String, PollInfo>} - <Poll type, PollInfo>
this.polls = new Collection;
* The ticket manager.
* @type {TicketManager}
* Initializes the workshop and adds the ta console, ta banter and assistance channel.
* @override
async init() {
await super.init();
this.TAConsole = await this.addTAChannel('_π§π½βπ«ta-console', {
type: 'text',
topic: 'The TA console, here TAs can chat, communicate with the workshop lead, look at the wait list, and send polls!',
}, [], true);
this.addTAChannel('_ta-banter', {
topic: 'For TAs to talk without cluttering the console.',
this.assistanceChannel = await{
name: 'ππ½assistance',
info: {
type: 'text',
topic: 'For hackers to request help from TAs for this workshop, please don\'t send any other messages!'
isSafe: true,
this.botGuild.blackList.set(, 3000);;
if (this.isLowTechSolution) {
this.ticketManager = new TicketManager(this, {
ticketCreatorInfo: {
channel: this.assistanceChannel,
ticketDispatcherInfo: {
channel: await{
name: '_Incoming Tickets',
isSafe: true,
takeTicketEmoji: 'π',
joinTicketEmoji: 'βοΈ',
reminderInfo: {
isEnabled: true,
time: 5
mainHelperInfo: {
role: this.TARoles.first(),
emoji: 'β',
embedCreator: (ticket) => new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle(`New Ticket - ${}`)
.setDescription(`<@${}> has a question: ${ticket.question}`)
systemWideTicketInfo: {
garbageCollectorInfo: {
isEnabled: false,
isAdvancedMode: false,
}, this.guild, this.botGuild);
winston.loggers.get(`The activity ${} was transformed to a workshop.`, {event: 'Activity'});
return this;
* Adds extra workshop features, plus the regular features. Also adds default polls.
* @override
addDefaultFeatures() {
/** @type {Console.Feature[]} */
let localFeatures = [];
this.polls.forEach((pollInfo) => localFeatures.push({
name: pollInfo.title,
description: `Asks the question: ${pollInfo.title} - ${pollInfo.question}`,
emojiName: pollInfo.emojiName,
callback: (user, reaction, stopInteracting, console) => this.sendPoll(pollInfo.type).then(() => stopInteracting()),
localFeatures.forEach(feature => this.adminConsole.addFeature(feature));
* Adds the default polls to the polls list.
* @protected
addDefaultPolls() {
/** @type {PollInfo[]} */
let localPolls = [
title: 'Speed Poll!',
type: 'Speed Poll',
emojiName: 'ποΈ',
question: 'Please react to this poll!',
responses: new Collection([['π’', 'Too Slow?'], ['πΆ', 'Just Right?'], ['π', 'Too Fast?']]),
title: 'Difficulty Poll!',
type: 'Difficulty Poll',
emojiName: 'βοΈ',
question: 'Please react to this poll! If you need help, go to the assistance channel!',
responses: new Collection([['π’', 'Too Hard?'], ['πΆ', 'Just Right?'], ['π', 'Too Easy?']]),
title: 'Explanation Poll!',
type: 'Explanation Poll',
emojiName: 'π§βπ«',
question: 'Please react to this poll!',
responses: new Collection([['π’', 'Hard to understand?'], ['πΆ', 'Meh explanations?'], ['π', 'Easy to understand?']]),
localPolls.forEach(pollInfo => this.polls.set(pollInfo.type, pollInfo));
* Will send all the consoles the workshop needs to work.
* @async
async sendConsoles() {
let mentorColor = randomColor();
const TAInfoEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('TA Information')
.setDescription('Please read this before the workshop starts!')
this.isLowTechSolution ? TAInfoEmbed.addField('Ticketing System is turned on!', `* Tickets will be sent to <#${}>
\n* React to the ticket message and send the user a DM by clicking on their name`) :
TAInfoEmbed.addField('Advanced Voice Channel System is turned on!', `* Users who need help will be listed in a message on channel <#${this.TAConsole}>
\n* Users must be on the general voice channel to receive assistance
\n* You must be on a private voice channel to give assistance
\n* When you react to the message, the user will be moved to your voice channel so you can give assistance
\n* Once you are done, move the user back to the general voice channel`);
// Console for TAs to send polls and stamp distribution
let TAPollingConsole = new Console({
title: 'Polling and Stamp Console',
description: 'Here are some common polls you might want to use!',
channel: this.TAConsole,
guild: this.guild,
this.polls.forEach((pollInfo) => TAPollingConsole.addFeature({
name: pollInfo.title,
description: `Asks the question: ${pollInfo.title} - ${pollInfo.question}`,
emojiName: pollInfo.emojiName,
callback: (user, reaction, stopInteracting, console) => this.sendPoll(pollInfo.type).then(() => stopInteracting()),
name: 'Stamp Distribution',
description: 'Activate a stamp distribution on the activity\'s text channel',
emojiName: 'π',
callback: (user, reaction, stopInteracting, console) => {
if (this.isLowTechSolution) {
await this.ticketManager.sendTicketCreatorConsole('Get some help from the Workshop TAs!',
'React to this message with the emoji and write a quick description of your question. A TA will reach out via DM soon.');
this.ticketManager.ticketCreatorInfo.console.addField('Simple or Theoretical Questions', 'If you have simple or theory questions, ask them in the main banter channel!');
} else {
// embed message for TA console
const incomingTicketsEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Hackers in need of help waitlist')
.setDescription('* Make sure you are on a private voice channel not the general voice channel \n* To get the next hacker that needs help click π€');
this.TAConsole.send(incomingTicketsEmbed).then(message => this.incomingTicketsHandler(message));
// where users can request assistance
const outgoingTicketEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle( + ' Help Desk')
.setDescription('Welcome to the ' + + ' help desk. There are two ways to get help explained below:')
.addField('Simple or Theoretical Questions', 'If you have simple or theory questions, ask them in the main banter channel!')
.addField('Advanced Question or Code Assistance', 'If you have a more advanced question, or need code assistance, click the π§π½βπ« emoji for live TA assistance! Join the ' + || Room.voiceChannelName + ' voice channel if not already there!');
this.assistanceChannel.send(outgoingTicketEmbed).then(message => this.outgoingTicketHandler(message));
* Adds a channel to the activity, ask if it will be for TAs or not.
* @param {TextChannel} channel - channel to prompt user
* @param {String} userId - user to prompt for channel info
* @override
async addChannel(channel, userId) {
// ask if it will be for TA
let isTa = await SpecialPrompt.boolean({ prompt: 'Is this channel for TAs?', channel, userId });
if (isTa) {
/** @type {TextChannel} */
let newChannel = await super.addChannel(channel, userId);
this.getTAChannelPermissions().forEach(rolePermission => newChannel.updateOverwrite(, rolePermission.permissions));
this.TAChannels.set(, newChannel);
} else {
super.addChannel(channel, userId);
* Creates a channel only available to TAs.
* @param {String} name
* @param {GuildCreateChannelOptions} info
* @returns {Promise<TextChannel | VoiceChannel>}
* @async
async addTAChannel(name, info) {
let channel = await{name, info, permissions: this.getTAChannelPermissions()});
this.TAChannels.set(, channel);
return channel;
* Returns the perms for a TA Channel
* @protected
* @returns {Activity.RolePermission[]}
getTAChannelPermissions() {
/** The permissions for the TA channels */
let TAChannelPermissions = [
{ id: this.botGuild.roleIDs.everyoneRole, permissions: { VIEW_CHANNEL: false } },
// add regular activity members to the TA perms list as non tas, so they cant see that channel => {
TAChannelPermissions.push({id:, permissions: {VIEW_CHANNEL: false}});
// Loop over ta roles, give them voice channel perms and add them to the TA permissions list
this.TARoles.forEach(role => {
TAChannelPermissions.push({id:, permissions: {VIEW_CHANNEL: true}});
return TAChannelPermissions;
* Send a poll to the general text channel
* @param {String} type - the type of poll to send
* @async
async sendPoll(type, channel, userId) {
let poll = this.polls.get(type);
if (!poll) throw new Error('No poll was found of that type!');
// create poll
let description = poll.question + '\n\n';
for (const key of poll.responses.keys()) {
description += '**' + poll.responses.get(key) + '->** ' + key + '\n\n';
let qEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
// send poll to general text or prompt for channel
let pollChannel;
if ((await pollChannel =;
else pollChannel = ListPrompt.singleListChooser({
prompt: 'What channel should the poll go to?',
channel: channel,
userId: userId
pollChannel.send(qEmbed).then(msg => {
poll.responses.forEach((value, key) => msg.react(key));
winston.loggers.get(`Activity named ${} sent a poll with title: ${poll.title} and question ${poll.question}.`, { event: 'Workshop' });
* Creates and handles with the emoji reactions on the incoming ticket console embed
* @param {Message} message
incomingTicketsHandler(message) {;
this.waitListEmbedMsg = message;
// add reaction to get next in this message!
const getNextCollector = message.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => ! && === 'π€');
getNextCollector.on('collect', async (reaction, user) => {
// remove the reaction
// check that there is someone to help
if (this.waitlist.size === 0) {
this.TAConsole.send('<@' + + '> No one to help right now!').then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 5000 }));
// if pullInFunctionality is turned off then then just remove from list
if (this.isLowTechSolution) {
// remove hacker from wait list
let hackerKey = this.waitlist.firstKey();
} else {
// grab the ta and their voice channel
var ta = message.guild.member(;
var taVoice =;
// check that the ta is in a voice channel
if (taVoice === null || taVoice === undefined) {
this.TAConsole.send('<@' + + '> Please join a voice channel to assist hackers.').then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 5000 }));
// get next user
let hackerKey = this.waitlist.firstKey();
var hacker = message.guild.member(hackerKey);
// if status mentor in use there are no hackers in list
if (hacker === undefined) {
this.TAConsole.send('<@' + + '> There are no hackers in need of help!').then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 5000 }));
try {
await hacker.voice.setChannel(taVoice);
sendMessageToMember(hacker, 'TA is ready to help you! You are with them now!', true);
this.TAConsole.send('<@' + + '> A hacker was moved to your voice channel! Thanks for your help!!!').then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 5000 }));
} catch (err) {
sendMessageToMember(hacker, 'A TA was ready to talk to you, but we were not able to pull you to their voice ' +
'voice channel. Try again and make sure you are in the general voice channel!');
this.TAConsole.send('<@' + + '> We had someone that needed help, but we were unable to move them to your voice channel. ' +
'They have been notified and skipped. Please help someone else!').then(msg => msg.delete({ timeout: 8000 }));
// remove hacker from the embed list
this.waitListEmbedMsg.edit(this.waitListEmbedMsg.embeds[0].spliceFields(0, 1));
* Creates and handles with the emoji reactions on the outgoing ticket console embed
* @param {Message} message
outgoingTicketHandler(message) {;
// filter collector and event handler for help emoji from hackers
const helpCollector = message.createReactionCollector((reaction, user) => ! && === 'π§π½βπ«');
helpCollector.on('collect', async (reaction, user) => {
// remove the emoji
// check that the user is not already on the wait list
if (this.waitlist.has( {
sendMessageToMember(user, 'You are already on the TA wait list! A TA will get to you soon!', true);
} else {
var position = this.waitlist.size;
// add user to wait list
this.waitlist.set(, user.username);
let oneLiner = await StringPrompt.single({prompt: 'Please send to this channel a one-liner of your problem or question. You have 20 seconds to respond', channel: this.assistanceChannel, userId: });
const hackerEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('Hey there! We got you signed up to talk to a TA!')
.setDescription('You are number: ' + position + ' in the wait list.')
.addField(!this.isLowTechSolution ? 'JOIN THE VOICE CHANNEL!' : 'KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR DMs',
!this.isLowTechSolution ? 'Sit tight in the voice channel. If you are not in the voice channel when its your turn you will be skipped, and we do not want that to happen!' :
'A TA will reach out to you soon via DM! Have your question ready and try to keep up with the workshop until then!');
sendMessageToMember(user, hackerEmbed);
// update message embed with new user in list
this.waitListEmbedMsg.edit(this.waitListEmbedMsg.embeds[0].addField(user.username, '<@' + + '> has the question: ' + oneLiner));
// send a quick message to let ta know a new user is on the wait list
this.TAConsole.send('A new hacker needs help!').then(msg => msg.delete({timeout: 3000}));
module.exports = Workshop;