// Discord.js commando requirements
const PermissionCommand = require('../../classes/permission-command');
const { checkForRole, addRoleToMember, removeRolToMember } = require('../../discord-services');
const { MessageEmbed, Message, Role, Collection } = require('discord.js');
const BotGuildModel = require('../../classes/bot-guild');
const { MessagePrompt, SpecialPrompt } = require('advanced-discord.js-prompts');
* Make a message embed (console) available on the channel for users to react and un-react for roles. Staff can dynamically add
* roles to the console. Users can react to get the role, then un-react to loose the role.
* @category Commands
* @subcategory Admin-Utility
* @extends PermissionCommand
class RoleSelector extends PermissionCommand {
constructor(client) {
super(client, {
name: 'role-selector',
group: 'a_utility',
memberName: 'transfer role',
description: 'Will let users transfer roles. Useful for sponsor reps that are also mentors!',
guildOnly: true,
role: PermissionCommand.FLAGS.STAFF_ROLE,
roleMessage: 'Hey there, the command !role-selector is only available to staff!',
* @param {BotGuildModel} botGuild
* @param {Message} message - the command message
async runCommand (botGuild, message) {
// the emoji for staff to add new transfers
let newTransferEmoji = '🆕';
* @typedef Transfer
* @property {String} name - the transfer name
* @property {String} description - the transfer description
* @property {Role} role - the transfer role
* The transfers on this role transfer card.
* @type {Collection<String, Transfer>}
let transfers = new Collection();
const cardEmbed = new MessageEmbed().setColor(botGuild.colors.embedColor)
.setTitle('Role Selector!')
.setDescription('React to the specified emoji to get the role, un-react to remove the role.');
let cardMsg = await message.channel.send(cardEmbed);
let filter = (reaction, user) => !user.bot && (transfers.has(reaction.emoji.name) || reaction.emoji.name === newTransferEmoji);
let reactionCollector = cardMsg.createReactionCollector(filter, {dispose: true});
// add role or a transfer depending on the emoji
reactionCollector.on('collect', async (reaction, user) => {
// admin add new transfer
if (reaction.emoji.name === newTransferEmoji && checkForRole(message.guild.member(user), botGuild.roleIDs.staffRole)) {
try {
var newTransferMsg = await MessagePrompt.prompt({
prompt: 'What new transfer do you want to add? Your response should have (in this order, not including <>): @role <transfer name> - <transfer description>',
channel: message.channel,
userId: user.id
} catch (error) {
// grab the role, name and description from the prompt message
let role = newTransferMsg.mentions.roles.first();
let firstStop = newTransferMsg.cleanContent.indexOf('-');
let name = newTransferMsg.cleanContent.substring(0, firstStop);
let description = newTransferMsg.cleanContent.substring(firstStop + 1);
let emoji = await SpecialPrompt.singleEmoji({prompt: 'What emoji to you want to use for this transfer?', channel: message.channel, userId: message.author.id});
transfers.set(emoji.name, {
name: name,
description: description,
role: role,
// edit original embed with transfer information and react with new role
reaction.message.edit(reaction.message.embeds[0].addField(name + ' -> ' + emoji.toString(), description));
// user add role
if (transfers.has(reaction.emoji.name)) {
let role = transfers.get(reaction.emoji.name).role;
addRoleToMember(message.guild.member(user), role);
message.channel.send('<@' + user.id + '> You have been given the role: ' + role.name).then(msg => msg.delete({timeout: 4000}));
// remove the role from the user if the emoji is a transfer emoji
reactionCollector.on('remove', (reaction, user) => {
if (transfers.has(reaction.emoji.name)) {
let role = transfers.get(reaction.emoji.name).role;
removeRolToMember(message.guild.member(user), role);
message.channel.send('<@' + user.id + '> You have lost the role: ' + role.name).then(msg => msg.delete({timeout: 4000}));
module.exports = RoleSelector;