const PermissionCommand = require('../../classes/permission-command');
const { discordLog } = require('../../discord-services');
const { Message, MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const { getReminder } = require('../../db/firebase/firebase-services');
const BotGuildModel = require('../../classes/bot-guild');
const { NumberPrompt, SpecialPrompt, RolePrompt } = require('advanced-discord.js-prompts');
* The self care command will send pre made reminders from firebase to the command channel. These reminders are self
* care reminders. Will prompt a role to mention with each reminder. We recommend that be an opt-in role.
* @category Commands
* @subcategory Admin-Utility
* @extends PermissionCommand
class SelfCareReminders extends PermissionCommand {
constructor(client) {
super(client, {
name: 'self-care',
group: 'a_utility',
memberName: 'self care reminders',
description: 'Sends self-care reminders at designated times.',
guildOnly: true,
role: PermissionCommand.FLAGS.STAFF_ROLE,
roleMessage: 'Hey there, the command !self-care is only available to Staff!',
* @param {BotGuildModel} botGuild
* @param {Message} message - the message in which this command was called
async runCommand(botGuild, message) {
var interval;
// helpful vars
let channel =;
let userId =;
//ask user for time interval between reminders
var timeInterval;
try {
let num = await NumberPrompt.single({prompt: 'What is the time interval between reminders in minutes (integer only)? ', channel, userId});
timeInterval = 1000 * 60 * num;
// ask user whether to start sending reminders now(true) or after 1 interval (false)
var isStartNow = await SpecialPrompt.boolean({prompt: 'Type "yes" to send first reminder now, "no" to start one time interval from now. ', channel, userId, cancelable: true});
// id of role to mention when new reminders come out (use-case for self-care still tbd)
var roleId = (await RolePrompt.single({prompt: 'What is the hacker role to notify for self-care reminders?', channel, userId,cancelable: true})).id;
} catch (error) {
channel.send('<@' + userId + '> Command was canceled due to prompt being canceled.').then(msg => msg.delete({timeout: 5000}));
// keeps track of whether it has been paused
var paused = false;
const startEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
.setTitle('To encourage healthy hackathon habits, we will be sending hourly self-care reminders!')
// temp
.setDescription('For Staff:\n' +
'⏸️ to pause\n' +
'▶️ to resume\n');
channel.send('<@&' + roleId + '>', { embed: startEmbed }).then((msg) => {;
//filters so that it will only respond to Staff who reacted with one of the 3 emojis
const emojiFilter = (reaction, user) => ! && ( === '⏸️' || === '▶️') && message.guild.member(user).roles.cache.has(botGuild.roleIDs.staffRole);
const emojiCollector = msg.createReactionCollector(emojiFilter);
emojiCollector.on('collect', (reaction, user) => {
if ( === '⏸️') {
//if it isn't already paused, pause by clearing the interval
if (interval != null && !paused) {
paused = true;
channel.send('<@' + + '> Self-care reminders have been paused!').then(msg => msg.delete({timeout: 10000}));
} else if ( === '▶️') {
//if it is currently paused, restart the interval and send the next reminder immediately
if (paused) {
interval = setInterval(sendReminder, timeInterval);
paused = false;
channel.send('<@' + + '> Self-care reminders have been un-paused!').then(msg => msg.delete({timeout: 10000}));
//starts the interval, and sends the first reminder immediately if startNow is true
if (isStartNow) {
interval = setInterval(sendReminder, timeInterval);
// sendReminder is the function that picks and sends the next reminder
async function sendReminder() {
//get reminders parameters from db
var data = await getReminder(;
//report in admin logs that there are no more messages
//TODO: consider having it just loop through the db again?
if (data === null) {
discordLog(message.guild, '<@&' + botGuild.roleIDs.staffRole + '> HI, PLEASE FEED ME more self-care messages!!');
let reminder = data.reminder;
const qEmbed = new MessageEmbed()
// .setDescription(reminder);
channel.send(`Hey <@&${roleId}> remember:`, {embed: qEmbed});
module.exports = SelfCareReminders;